1 Thessalonians 5 Know Jesus, Know Hope - No Jesus, No HopeBible
Pastor David McGee
Date Taught: September 26, 2021
The Bible is like no other book. There are 735 predictions of the future in the Bible. Of the 735 predictions in the Bible, 596 have already come true and been fulfilled.
The Bible predicts the future like no other book. Out of all the predictions written in the Bible, hundreds and even thousands of years before they happened, an astonishing 81% have already been fulfilled. Do you think the remaining 19% will be accurate? Absolutely.
The odds of Jesus fulfilling 48 prophecies with the first coming was 10 to the 17th power or covering NC 11 feet deep or Texas 2 feet deep in silver dollars and picking the first one on the first try, blindfolded.
It was a mathematical impossibility for Jesus to fulfill 48 prophecies unless He was who He said He was. Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies with his first coming.
While we have been turning from idols to God, others have been busy turning from God to idols.
We can choose God and life or choose sin and death. While we are choosing God and life, many in our government and nation are now choosing death and sin over God and life.
When we pull God out of government, out of law, out of schools, out of healthcare, we are only left with death.
When we set dates or put the rapture with the second coming; at the end of the 7 year tribulation; we rob believers of looking for Jesus to come at any moment.
A pre-trib rapture, we are looking for Jesus to appear next. A post-trib rapture we are looking for the antichrist to appear next. Who are you looking for? The anti-christ or the Messiah?
Either fall on the Rock of Christ or the Rock of Christ will fall on you. Either you will fall on the law, or the law will fall on you.
Without God, each one of us is without hope, broken, lost, a sinner, selfish, not listening to God, a mess, dead in our sins.
With God we have hope, a future, peace, love, Joy, eternal life.
Read your Bible everyday. Do your Bible everyday.
This earth is as close to hell as any believer will ever be. This earth is as close to heaven as an unbeliever will ever be.
This is as bad as it gets for a believer. This is as good as it gets for an unbeliever.
The early Christians were not killed because they believed in God, but they were killed because they believed on God alone.
The Lord encourages, the devil accuses. Who are you the most like? Do you encourage or accuse more?
If we speak lies, accusations, and slander, we are tearing down what God is wanting to do in our own lives. You spoil your own spiritual fruit.
When you speak and surround yourself with lies and accusations, you will destroy lives; your life and the one you accuse. With our mouths, every one of us have destroyed both fellowship and friendships.
The American church and the American Christian’s love for God has grown cold especially a love for the lost, the unlovable, and the least of these.
God loves. God calls.
We love. Do we call?
Building the rock is not about hearing the Word, it is about doing the Word.
We live in a blood-stained land and can no longer ask for God to bless America. We should be telling America to bless God by following Him.
So being sober in 1 Thessalonians 5 is more than what we think, much, much more.
Being sober means not intoxicated by sin, greed, and selfishness, having love for all, faith in God, offering to all the hope of salvation.
Our government is picking a fight with God not with Christians.
Body- Tabernacle
Spirit-Inner Court
Soul-Holy of Holies
Soul-Salvation-I am saved.
Spirit-sanctification-I am being saved.
Body-glorification-I will be saved.
Our American government is declaring war not just on Christians but are declaring war on God.
Scripture quotations marked "NKJV™" are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture quotations marked (NLT) are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Wheaton, Illinois 60189. All rights reserved.